New Delhi: The Supreme Court bench led by the Chief Justice of India, NV Ramana, has directed the Jharkhand High Court Chief Justice to monitor weekly progress made by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) into the alleged killing of additional sessions judge Uttam Anand on July 28 in Dhanbad.
The bench comprising of justices Vineet Saran and Surya Kant asked the CBI to file its report on a weekly basis with the high court where the bench headed by the Chief Justice would monitor it. Commenting on the report filed by the CBI in a sealed cover, the court said that there was nothing concrete yet in the report. The SC added that whatever is in the report was already said by the state. Solicitor General Tushar Mehta appearing for CBI said that drivers are in custody and are being interrogated right now and new developments will be reported accordingly. The SC has said that as of now the Chief Justice of the HC will monitor the case and whenever required, the SC will hear it.
The top court was hearing the suo moto case on the protection and safety of judicial officers in the wake of the killing of the Dhanbad judge. The court had sought a status report on the probe within a week from Jharkhand's Chief Secretary and the Director-General of Police.