New Delhi:The Supreme Court on Friday adjourned for August 9 the hearing of a plea filed by e-commerce giants Amazon and Flipkart challenging an order of Karnataka High Court, which had allowed the Competition Commission of India (CCI) to continue its investigation against them into alleged competition law violations. A Bench headed by Chief Justice of India NV Ramana adjourned the case for Monday at the request of Solicitor General Tushar Mehta.
At the outset, SG Mehta requested the Bench to adjourn the matter as there are very bulky files in the case. To this, CJI said, "We know. We observed earlier that to terrorise judges file bulky case files. We have to engage lorries and trucks. They just don't want us to read the case." The appeal is against the High Court order of allowing CCI to probe Amazon India and Walmart-owned e-commerce firm Flipkart for alleged competition law violations in smartphone sales on the two websites.
Read: Karnataka HC dismisses writ petition of Amazon, Flipkart against CCI probe