New Delhi:The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) Saturday questioned former Governor of Meghalaya Satya Pal Malik, at CBI headquarters in Delhi over his allegations that when he was J&K Governor, he was offered Rs 300 crores in bribes to clear two files.
In March this year, the Jammu and Kashmir government recommended a CBI probe into the allegations levelled by Malik that he was offered a bribe of Rs 300 crore when he served as Governor of the erstwhile state.
Also read: CBI to probe ex-J&K Guv Satya Pal Malik's Rs 300 Cr bribe allegation
On October 17, 2021, Malik had said at a function in Rajasthan, "Two files had come for my consideration. One of the secretaries told me that if I approve these, I can get Rs 150 crore each. I turned down the offer saying that I had brought five 'kurta-pyjamas' to Kashmir and will just go back with them."
Malik had alleged that he was offered the money in return for clearing the files of two big industrial houses. Following such serious allegations by a former governor, the J&K government recommended that the CBI investigate the matter to ascertain the facts and the details.