Chennai: Taking the political establishment by surprise, V K Sasikala, who received a massive reception on her release from prison in the wealth case, made a somersault announcing her decision to take political sanyas. The denouement came late on Wednesday, shattering the hopes of nephew T T V Dhinakaran, who was expected to milk her presence for his political survival as well as the Bharatiya Janata Party, which had reportedly strived hard for a patch-up between her and the All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam ahead of the crucial Assembly elections.
“Staying away from politics, I will continue to pray to the deity in my heart and my sister as well as the almighty for the continuation of the golden rule of ‘Amma’… True followers of Amma should dedicatedly work to prevent the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam from returning to power. Amma had shown that the DMK is the evil force and her followers should work with due wisdom,” read her statement released to the media.
Also read:VK Sasikala quits politics, thanks followers and supporters
Significantly, Sasikala, who till now claimed that she continues to be the General Secretary of the AIADMK and resumed her legal battle to reclaim her position chose not to release the statement in the letter. Instead, it was released on plain paper.
Before leaving for the Bengaluru prison four years ago, she visited Jayalalithaa’s Samadhiand took a vow by beating on the earth thrice. Then on her return also, she made it clear that she could not be cowed down by the powers that be. “I will play a crucial role in politics. I will take on those who abuse authority,” she had said on witnessing the massive reception accorded en-route to Chennai from the Tamil Nadu border with Karnataka.
On her release, she remained confined to her relative’s residence in the city. And contrary to expectation there was no exodus from the AIADMK towards Sasikala.
Reacting to Sasikala’s announcement, Dhinakaran expressed disappointment but made it clear that this would not deter him or the AMMK from contesting the election.