Mumbai:The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Tuesday sent a second summons to Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut, asking him to appear before them on July 1 in connection with the Patra Chawl land redevelopment case. While Raut was supposed to appear before the agency on Tuesday, he is currently on a visit to Alibaug in Maharashtra's Raigad district. Representing the leader, his lawyer approached the agency at around 11:15 am to seek more time.
"The ED had requested some documents, but it was not possible to bring the documents in such a short time. So we have asked them for 14 more days," the lawyer said. The summons is in relation to the alleged transactional irregularities in the redevelopment project. Back in April, the ED had attached immovable properties worth Rs 11.15 crore, including an apartment in Mumbai's Dadar area by the MP's wife Varsha Raut, as well as eight plots of land in Alibaug held jointly by the latter with Swapna Patkar- the wife of Raut's associate Sujit Patkar.