Mumbai: Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut on Friday appeared before the Enforcement Directorate (ED) here to record his statement in an alleged money laundering case, and left after more than ten hours. He answered all questions, and would appear before the central agency again if summoned, he told reporters.
Raut reached the ED office at Ballard Estate in south Mumbai around 11.30 in the morning, and left around 10 at night. "I gave full cooperation and answered all their questions. I will appear again if they call me," the Rajya Sabha member said, speaking to the media outside.
Earlier, heavy police force was deployed outside the central agency's office as a large number of Shiv Sena workers were present at the spot. Barricades were placed on the roads leading to the office. After his arrival, the Sena MP, sporting a saffron muffler around his neck, waved at his supporters before entering the office with his lawyer.
Speaking to reporters before going inside, Raut had said, "I will cooperate with the agency in the investigation. It had summoned me, they require some information from me and it is my duty as a Member of Parliament, a responsible citizen and a leader of a political party to cooperate with them." He said he was "fearless and undaunted" as he has "not done anything wrong in life".