Mumbai:Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut has alleged that MP Navneet Rana had taken a loan of Rs 80 lakhs from Yusuf Lakdawala, who was arrested by ED in a money laundering case. Posting a picture from a document as proof of his claims, Raut took to Twitter and asked if ED has taken notice of the matter.
'Navneet Rana took Rs 80 lakh loan from money laundering accused': Sanjay Raut
Posting a picture from a document as proof of his claims, Raut took to Twitter and asked if ED has taken notice of the matter.
Sanjay Raut claims Navneet Rana took ₹80 lakh loan from a money laundering convict
The tweet in Hindi translates to: "Navneet Rana had taken a loan of ₹80 lakh from Yusuf Lakdawala, who died in jail. Lakdawala was arrested in a money laundering case by the ED and also had links with the D gang. My question - did ED investigate this? It's a matter of national security!" Navneet is currently in police custody in the Byculla jail in Mumbai after being arrested with her husband MLA Ravi Rana in the Hanuman Chalisa row.