New Delhi: Sanjay Arora, a Tamil Nadu-cadre IPS officer, currently serving as Director General of the ITBP, was on Sunday appointed the Commissioner of Delhi Police. An official notification on Sunday was released by the Ministry of Home Affairs that said, "Police Division MHA has conveyed the approval of the Competent Authority for inter-cadre deputation of Sh. Sanjay Arora, JPS (TN: 1988) from Tamil Nadu Cadre to AGMUT Cadre".
The notice further read, "In pursuance of the said approval, Sh. Sanjay Arora, IPS (TN: 1988) is hereby appointed as Commissioner of Police, Delhi with effect from 1st August 2022 or from the date of taking over charge whichever is later and till further orders". Sanjay Arora is an Indian Police Service officer, 1988 batch, Tamil Nadu cadre. He graduated with a bachelor's degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Malviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur (Rajasthan).
After joining the IPS, he served in various capacities in Tamil Nadu Police. He was Superintendent of Police (SP), Special Task Force, where he achieved significant success against the Veerappan gang, for which he was awarded CM's Gallantry Medal for Bravery and Heroic Action. In 1991, Arora, after being trained by NSG, had a pivotal role in forming the Special Security Group (SSG) to provide security to the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu during the heyday of LTTE activity. He also served as the Superintendent of Police of various districts of TN.