Lucknow: In a major development, the Samajwadi Party on Tuesday announced 33 per cent reservation for women in government jobs when it comes to power in Uttar Pradesh. Releasing the party's manifesto - 'Vachan Patra' - here, SP President Akhilesh Yadav said that the reservation would be for all categories including general.
He said that women presence in the police force would also be increased and 33 per cent reservation would be given to women. The Samajwadi Party manifesto also announced 300 units of free power for domestic consumers and free power for small farmers.
"Those having less than two bighas of land will be given free fertiliser, free power, an interest-free loan so that all farmers can be loan-free by 2025. We will also ensure MSP for all farmers and cane dues will be paid within 15 days. For this, we will make a farmers' corpus fund," Akhilesh Yadav said. For BPL families, the SP has announced two free gas cylinders and one litre of petrol per month for owners of two-wheelers. Auto drivers will get three litres of petrol/6 kg of CNG per month. In the IT sector, the SP will ensure 22 lakh jobs for the youth.
Also Read:BJP releases its manifesto for upcoming UP Assembly elections