New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday said that be it Adi Shankaracharya from hundreds of years ago or Swami Vivekananda in modern times, the saint tradition of India has always been proclaiming 'Ek Bharat, Shreshtha Bharat'. The Prime Minister made this remark while addressing the centenary celebration of Swami Atmasthananda via video conferencing.
PM Modi paid his tributes to Swami Atmasthananda by reminiscing the time he spent with him. Addressing the gathering, the Prime Minister said, "This event is filled with many feelings and memories. I have always been blessed by him, there was an opportunity to be with him. It is my good fortune that I kept in touch with him till the last moment."
The Prime Minister expressed happiness over the release of a photo biography and documentary to take Swami ji's mission to the masses. He remarked that Swami Vivekanand moulded the great tradition of 'sanyasth' into a modern form and Swami Atmasthananand also retired to this form and lived and implemented it in life.
He also highlighted the tremendous relief and rescue operations that were carried out not just in India but also in Nepal and Bangladesh under his directive by Belur Matt and Ramakrishna Mission. PM Modi also remarked on the institutions created by Swami ji for helping the poor in employment and livelihood.
PM Modi highlighted that the ideals of the Ramakrishna Mission are to work in mission mode, to create new institutions, and to strengthen the institutions. "Wherever there are such saints, the centers of service to humanity come up on its own, Swami ji proved this by his sanyasa life," PM Modi said.
"Be it Adi Shankaracharya from hundreds of years ago or Swami Vivekananda in modern times, the saint tradition of India has always been proclaiming 'Ek Bharat, Shreshtha Bharat'. The establishment of Ramakrishna Mission is also associated with the idea of 'Ek Bharat, Shrestha Bharat'," he added. While highlighting the contributions of Swami Vivekananda, the Prime Minister said that he lived this resolution in the form of a mission.
"His influence was seen in all parts of the country and his travels made the country realize its ancient national consciousness in the era of slavery, and also infused new confidence in it. This tradition of Ramakrishna Mission was carried forward by Swami Atmasthananand ji throughout his life," the Prime Minister said. While remembering the time he spent with Swami Atmasthananda, the Prime Minister said that he was fortunate to talk to him in Gujarati.