Rewa(Madhya Pradesh):In a horrific incident, a religious leader named Sitaram Maharaj and along with three others, raped a minor girl in Rewa, on the pretext of helping her to pass exams. Civil Line police of Rewa in Madhya Pradesh arrested one accused named Vinay Pandey in connection with the case on Wednesday.
According to Civil Line police station in-charge, ASP Shivkumar Verma, "a minor girl was lured by miscreants with an offer to help her pass exams. Believing their words, she went along with one miscreant named Vinod Pandey who was later joined by his aides. They first asked her to come to Sainik School and then took her to the circuit house. Trusting his words, she went there.
"Vinod Pandey, religious leader Sitaram Maharaj, and two others were present in the circuit house. The accused first drank alcohol themselves and then forcibly made the teenager drink alcohol. After that, the three accused went out of the room and Sitaram raped the girl. Four accused are involved in the incident out of which one accused is arrested," Verma added. The accused religious leader and two other accused are now absconding. The victim somehow escaped from the Sitaram's prey and reached the police station and filed a complaint.