New Delhi: The Railways has roped in the Steel Authority of India Limited and the Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd to manufacture wheels for Vande Bharat Express trains, sources said Tuesday. According to them, the move is aimed at ensuring that 2.5 lakh wheels for the 400 Vande Bharat Express trains, to be produced over the next three years, are not delayed.
The Steel Authority of India Limited's (SAIL) Durgapur Steel Plant has already produced 45,000 forged wheels for the Railways' LHB coaches and will now use the approved design to manufacture the wheels of the Vande Bharat Express trains, a source said. Moreover, state-owned steel maker the Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd (RINL) will also manufacture forged wheels at its Rae Bareli unit in Uttar Pradesh for the high-speed trains. It has already manufactured around 700 such wheels, but now they will concentrate on the Vande Bharat design model.
"These units were already making forged wheels, but they did not have the capacity to manufacture so many in the time frame we wanted. "Even now, they are our backup with wheels coming in from other countries as well. We want to ensure there are no delays," said the source. The RINL unit in Rae Bareli has a production capacity of one lakh pieces of forged wheels per annum, sources said. Forged wheels are manufactured from a large solid piece of steel which is heated at extreme temperatures and pressurised to take shape.