Sahibganj: One of the thieves from the Teen Pahar area in the Sahibganj sub-division of Jharkhand had laid hands on the costly ProMax iPhone, took selfies with his friends, and posted it on social media as a profile status. Posting the selfie, along with his friends on his social media platform, proved dearly for him. The Sahibganj police came searching for the guy and now he is in police custody.
The probe launched investigation into the incident from where the gang of thieves hail from i.e; Teen Pahar area in Sahibganj, the subdivision of Jharkhand. The price of the Android phone could be around Rs 4 lakh, said the source.
Police learnt about the 'Android heist' when their (thieves) selfie went viral, but the police have been 'evasive' to give reply to reporters, added the source.
It is learnt from the source that the gang members decamped with the costly booty from the other states. The thieves were searching for prospective buyers of the high priced Android. This diamond-studded Android had also been shown to some smugglers of the area for making a deal with them. But, the costly cell phone has also 'surprised' them (potential buyers) and they are yet to make up their mind for this costly purchase.
Teen Pahar area of Sahibganj in Jharkhand has gained 'notoriety' and has become a 'den of thieves involved in stealing mobiles' from different parts of the country. Police from different states keep on visiting this part of the Jharkhand on a lookout for 'mobile smugglers and thieves. Recently, police had recovered 90 pieces of cell phones of different brands worth Rs 50 lakh from a person living in Pyaarpur village in Sahibganj subdivision of Jharkhand, added the source.