Chandigarh: The Punjab and Haryana High Court on Monday allowed the plea of Dera Sacha Sauda head Gurmeet Ram Rahim seeking relief from physical appearance and permission to appear via video conferencing before the court in matters related to sacrilege incidents. "Three FIRs were filed in sacrilege cases. We had filed a plea that if Ram Rahim has to be produced before Court, it has to be done only via video conferencing. He shouldn't be taken to Punjab. Today, Court gave the order in favour of Ram Rahim," said his lawyer Kanika Ahuja.
Gurmeet Ram Rahim who is currently lodged in Sunaria Jail of Rohtak will now appear only through video conferencing in matters related to the 2015 sacrilege incidents. "It ordered that if trial in sacrilege cases are going on in Punjab, Ram Rahim will not be taken to Punjab in proceedings of any case. All proceedings will be done via video conferencing," she added. The cases against Ram Rahim are related to the 2015 sacrilege incidents reported in the Faridkot district of Punjab.