New Delhi:The Vice President, M Venkaiah Naidu on Sunday said that serving in rural areas should be made mandatory before giving the first promotion to doctors in the government sector.
Speaking at the 11th Annual Medical Teachers’ Day Awards function here, the Vice President said that three-to-five years’ service in the rural areas for young doctors was essential while pointing out that 60 per cent of the country’s population lives in the villages.
Describing the medical profession as a noble mission, he advised the doctors not to give any remission or commit omission, but to serve the nation with passion. Asking the doctors to remember the core value of compassion for humanity in all their actions, he said “let that be your moral compass when in dilemma and always adhere to the highest level of ethics. If you can serve with a spirit of selfless dedication, you derive boundless and real happiness”.
Calling for creating state-of-the-art health infrastructure across the country, particularly in the rural areas, the Vice President said the COVID-19 pandemic has accentuated the need for better health infrastructure and advised the state governments to bestow special attention on this aspect.
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The Vice President stressed the need to increase the number of medical colleges while referring to the government’s efforts to bridge the gap in doctor-patient ratio in the country. He said the doctor-patient ratio was 1:1,456 as against the WHO norm of 1:1000.
Expressing his appreciation at the government’s plan to establish at least one medical college in each district, he pointed out that the urban-rural ratio of doctors was also highly skewed with more medical professionals opting to work in urban areas.