Agartala (Tripura): Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb on Saturday evening cleared the cloud of speculations hovering over the alliance between the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Indigenous People's Front of Tripura (IPFT), saying that the ruling alliance would remain intact.
“The alliance between BJP and IPFT has been done prior to the elections and the alliance has to go a long way. In BJP, there is a system for alliance and everything is being taken care of. The alliance between BJP and IPFT is still strong enough,” Deb said while talking to the press.
On being asked about the joint press conference of TIPRA and IPFT, he said, “There is nothing new in this. I do personally share good relations with Pradyot Debbarman. I have nothing to say in specific regarding the issue.”
He also seemed optimistic about the upcoming West Bengal elections and said that the BJP would certainly form government in West Bengal. He said he would leave for West Bengal to campaign as he is on the list of star campaigners for the party on February 23.
Meanwhile, when uncertainties and rumours over IPFT’s exit from the alliance were making rounds, a marathon meeting was held at the residence of Deputy Chief Minister Jishnu Dev Varma.
If sources are to be believed, a preliminary discussion on the sharing of seats between BJP and IPFT for the upcoming TTAADC elections was done during the meeting.