Aligarh (Uttar Pradesh): A team of West Bengal CID police were allegedly assaulted by BJP workers in Uttar Pradesh's Aligarh. The West Bengal police team had arrived to issue a notice and arrest Yogesh Varshney, BJP's Youth Wing leader in Bengal, in connection with the latter's 2017 controversial statement putting Rs11 lakh bounty on CM Mamata Banerjee's head.
As per reports, the West Bengal Police had raided the BJP leader's residence in Aligarh's Gandhi Nagar locality and took him into custody. However, by then several BJP supporters had gathered and allegedly manhandled the police personnel. After a lot of effort, the Kolkata Police managed to get Yogesh out of the house with great difficulty and took him to Gandhi Park Police Station.
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Varshney's family members protested against the police action and registered a complaint at the Gandhi Park PS, alleging that two persons (CID personnel) enquiring about Yogesh had barged into their house. When the family members objected, both CID persons Shubhashish Dal and Alamgir Islam, allegedly used filthy language and misbehaved. It is said that the duo also got into a verbal spat with the local councillor Alka Gupta, who had arrived at the BJP leader's residence.