Chennai:The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) on Saturday said it will not hold its proposed route marches on November 6 as certain conditions laid down by the Madras High Court in this connection were "not acceptable" to it. An appeal will be preferred against the single judge order, R Vanniarajan, president, RSS South Zone, said in a press release. He said the organisation had moved the court following the state police's refusal of permission to hold route marches in 50 locations across the state on October 2.
The court had allowed the programmes to be held on Sunday. "In the ruling given yesterday (November 4), the court saying the procession should be held in indoor stadiums or within four walls is not acceptable to us," he said. In states like Kerala, West Bengal, and Jammu & Kashmir such processions were being held in the open, he added. "We are going to appeal against this verdict (of the HC). Therefore, we state that the processions to be held on November 6 cannot be held," he added.
A Sangh source had earlier confirmed that the organisation has decided to postpone the route marches and public meetings. The single judge bench of Justice G K Ilanthiraiyan had on Friday permitted the RSS to take out route marches and hold public meetings at 44 places in Tamil Nadu on November 6 subject to certain conditions. One of them stipulated that the procession and public meetings should be conducted on premises such as grounds or stadiums.