New Delhi:Parliamentary Affairs Minister Pralhad Joshi slammed the Opposition on Thursday for creating a ruckus in the Rajya Sabha, after a discussion on the Sino-Indian border issue was disallowed in the House. Talking to reporters, Joshi blamed the Congress for not cooperating with the chair, accusing the party of "losing land to China" when it was in power.
"The chairman requested the opposition with folded hands. He made a request to the leader of opposition and the leader of the house to discuss the issue. It was flatly denied," he said. Joshi further said in an attempt to diffuse the logjam, Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar had suggested that a discussion on whether to raise the issue in the House can take place in his room, which was again thwarted by opposition leaders.
"Despite losing our land to China (when the Congress was in power), not respecting the chair to have a meeting is an insult to the chair and the position. I appeal to them to mend their behaviour. They claim to be the oldest party that has ruled the country for 60 years. This behaviour of theirs will not be missed by the people of the country.