New Delhi: Rajya Sabha Chairman M Venkaiah Naidu on Thursday complimented the MPs for a 'disruption-free' day in the House on Wednesday during the debate on Motion of Thanks to the President and hoped that the spirit will continue to prevail throughout the session.
After nearly a year of 41 sittings spread over four sessions, the Rajya Sabha had a disruption-free business on Wednesday. Delighted to watch "quality debate", Naidu said, "After a long time, Rajya Sabha witnessed disruption-free proceedings yesterday. I was delighted to watch quality debates on the Motion of Thanks to the President."
"Debates of yesterday were marked by effective a session by the ruling party achievements on one hand and contestations by opposition MPs on the other hand. This is the advantage of the smooth functioning of the House," he added, while also adding that he hopes the spirit will continue to prevail for the remaining part of this session. This comes in at a very crucial juncture because the last couple of sessions have been extremely stormy in the Rajya Sabha.
In fact, in the last Winter Session of Parliament, 12 members of the Opposition party were suspended for the entire session for having creative destruction in the Monsoon Session.
Throughout the entire part of the Winter Session, the opposition parties continued to disrupt and on several locations refused to participate in the proceedings. According to Rajya Sabha data, the last five sessions of Parliament were adjourned ahead of their scheduled time losing a total of 29 sittings. Of these five sessions, at least three were lost due to the spread of COVID-19 and one because political parties wanted to go for election campaigning in April.