New Delhi: By-election to Rajya Sabha seat, which fell vacant after the resignation of Dinesh Trivedi, who was a Trinamool Congress MP, will be held on August 9, 2021, announced the Election Commission (EC) on Friday. Stating the schedule of the by-election to the Council of States from West Bengal to fill up the above-mentioned vacancy, the EC in a statement issued today mentioned that the poll will be held from 9 am to 4 pm.
According to the EC, a notification for the same shall be issued on July 22. The last date for filing nominations is July 29 while the last date for withdrawal of candidatures is August 2, said the EC. It stated that the counting of votes shall take place on August 9 at 5 am. "Date before which election shall be completed:10th August 2021 (Tuesday)," said EC.
Read: EC defers bye-polls in 3 Parliamentary, 8 Assembly constituencies