New Delhi: The Rajya Sabha has been adjourned for the day on the first day of the monsoon session on Monday due to protests by the Opposition parties over the GST hike and inflation. While M Venkaiah Naidu was making some observations, several Congress MPs trooped into the Well of the House and started raising slogans of 'Withdraw GST' and ' Modi Shah murdabad'.
Also read:Outgoing VP Naidu seeks good Monsoon session as farewell gift
Expressing displeasure over the ruckus, Naidu said that some people are determined not to let the Hose function. "As some people have come determined not to allow the House to function and also enable members to go and vote in the Presidential election, I am adjourning the House for the day," said Naidu and adjourned the House for the day.
Earlier in the day, the Upper House of Parliament paid homage to former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, ex-UAE president Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan and former Kenayan president Mwai Kibaki. Homage was also paid to former members Kishore Kumar Mohanty, Robert Kharshiing,
and santoor player Pandit Shivkumar Sharma.