New Delhi: The Union Government is likely to spend a total of Rs. 3708 crores on the Central Vista project in 2021-22 and 2022-23. The statistics were presented in the Rajya Sabha Minister of State (MoS), Housing and Urban Affairs Kaushal Kishore in Rajya Sabha on Monday. According to the statistics presented by the Minister while the likely expenditure for the Central Vista project in 2021-22 will be Rs. 1423.00 crores, in 2022-23 it will be Rs 2285.00 crore.
As for the expenditure incurred so far in the project, the Government has so far spent a total of Rs.1173 crore for several parts of the project. While Rs.480 crore has been spent for the new Parliament building, Rs. 9 crore has been spent for the Vice President enclave and Rs. 243 crore has been spent for the Common Central Secretariat buildings (1,2 and 3). As for the Redevelopment of Central Vista Avenue Rs 441 crore has been spent so far.