New Delhi:Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwalon Wednesday met the family of the minor girl who was allegedly raped, murdered and cremated without her parents' consent in Delhi's Old Nangal crematorium. "I met her parents. Her loss can't be compensated for but Delhi govt will provide them Rs 10 Lakhs ex-gratia. We'll order magisterial inquiry & appoint top lawyers so that culprits get strict punishment," Kejriwal tweeted, adding that the culprits will not be spared.
A nine-year-old girl, resident of Delhi's Cantonment area was allegedly raped and murdered on Sunday. The issue came to light after the minor girl was cremated without her parents' consent at Old Nangal crematorium after she was found dead there. A priest working at the crematorium, who had pressurized the family to perform the last rites of the dead body, had been charged with murder. The accused priest and three other men have been booked under Sections 302, 376 and 506 of the Indian Penal Code, along with the relevant sections of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act and the SC/ST Act.