Hyderabad:The SS Rajamouli directorial RRR starring Jr. NTR and Ram Charan Tej which is smashing box office records, has achieved another rare feat. The movie has been recognized as the only Indian film to make it to the Top-5 of the most popular list at the leading International Movie Database Company (IMDB). It also holds the record for being the only Indian film on this list. It is noteworthy that RRR has a higher rating than other Hollywood movies.
RRR in top 5 IMBD list, heading towards Rs 1,000 crore box office collection
The movie has been recognized as the only Indian film to make it to the Top-5 of the most popular list at the leading International Movie Database Company (IMDB). It also holds the record for being the only Indian film to be on this list. It is noteworthy that RRR has a higher rating than other Hollywood movies.
RRR in Top-5 in IMBD List, The Only Indian film in the most popular movies on IMDB
Director SS Rajamouli is the master of cultivating emotions in the story. His film is full of emotions as well as visual grandeur that brings fullness to the screen. Influenced by those two things, he once again proved as The Master Captain with RRR movie. Released on March 25th, the RRR movie is set to break records and head towards the Rs 1,000 crore collections at the box office.