New Delhi: Amid a controversy over a government communication reportedly calling the Chief Election Commissioner to a meeting, the law ministry Saturday said the letter was meant for a secretary of the poll panel or a representative of the CEC, and the subsequent virtual interaction with the CEC and two ECs was to iron out differences over electoral reforms.
In a statement, the law ministry said the Prime Minister's Office had written to the cabinet secretary, the law secretary and the legislative secretary for a meeting on November 16 on common electoral rolls.
"It was not addressed to the Chief Election Commissioner. Since Election Commission of India has the necessary expertise and mandate regarding electoral roll and in the light of the previous letters of the Chief Election Commissioner addressed to the Law Minister, Secretary, Legislative Department thought it appropriate to invite officials of Election Commission to this meeting," the statement read.
Also Read:Former EC terms CEC, ECs interaction with PMO "avoidable, completely wrong"
The letter by the legislative department was addressed to Secretary and the final operative paragraph of the letter also requested Secretary, Election Commission of India to attend the meeting, it said.