New Delhi:Rajasthan's Nagaur MP Hanuman Beniwal's demand to increase the fund allocation under MPLADS to Rs 50 crore against the present allocation of Rs 5 crore received thumping support from all members present in the Parliament, irrespective of their political ideology. Addressing the Chair on Wednesday, the RLP MP said in Lok Sabha, "I request the government to increase the fund allocation under MPLADS to Rs 50 crores because the present budget of Rs 5 crores is not sufficient to look after the development works in the entire Lok Sabha constituency."
"As we have very little funds in our authority for development, we felt helpless when invited in public functions where people expect us to announce crores of rupees for local development, but tell us how can we do that with just Rs 5 crores. If this continues, people will stop inviting us as everyone would realise that their MP doesn't have funds to offer," he added.