Kolkata:Amid the rising Covid-19 cases in West Bengal, Kolkata police officers are introducing 'work from home' for Special Task Force (STF) personnel and the canines of the Dog Squad on Saturday. Kolkata Police authorities have been forced to take this unprecedented step in the wake of covid-19 affecting police personnel in large numbers.
The authorities have been forced to suspend the training for the new entrants in the Special Task Force (STF) and the new canines inducted into the dog squad. Police officials apprehended that this suspension of training can have a long-standing impact. Without training, the reserve strengths of these two squads cannot be kept ready and tested for emergency actions.
However, senior police officers are themselves in doubt on how far this concept of work from home will be feasible for a force. This mode of work from home is not just feasible for ground-level workers like constables, traffic sergeants, and sub-inspectors. "This is something really not feasible. But in the present situation we are forced to introduce this work from home concept for at least certain departments," a senior IPS official said on condition of anonymity.
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