New Delhi: Vienna-based RHI Magnesita, which also has presence in India, on Tuesday said it has disclosed the carbon emission footprints for all its 2 lakh products, becoming the first company in the refractory industry to do so. RHI Magnesita said: "As the industry leader, it has been continuously working on reduction of its CO2 emissions. It reduced its CO2 emission intensity from 1.96 tonnes CO2/tonne in 2020 to 1.82 tonnes CO2/tonne in 2021."
The full details with respect to the product-wise emissions are available on the company's website, RHI Magnesita said in a statement. "Being clearly committed to taking responsibility for a sustainable future, RHI Magnesita is proud to make (public) the CO2 footprints of its around 2,00,000 products transparent and comparable. RHI Magnesita becomes first in industry to disclose CO2 footprints for all products," it said.
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According to the statement, as of now all RHI Magnesia's technical data sheets include a field "environmental indicators" in which the CO2 equivalent emission of one metric tonne of the product is listed. The calculation method for these indicators is developed with and supervised by external experts. All greenhouse gases "cradle-to-gate", from raw material extraction to production to packaging to gate are considered in these CO2 footprint calculations, it said.
"With full CO2 transparency for all our products, RHI Magnesita is establishing new standards for the refractory industry and is addressing our customers' needs; suitable sustainable solutions can be now easily identified and included in product circles and sustainability reporting," company's global chief sales officer Gustavo Franco said.
RHI Magnesita's main target is to significantly reduce emissions over the next few decades, with the long-term goal of achieving net-zero operations in all areas of the company, he said. Parmod Sagar, MD and CEO of RHI Magnesita India Ltd, said, "Full disclosure of CO2 footprint of our products is yet another step towards fulfilling our sustainability commitments. In our Indian plants, we have been working continuously on reducing our carbon footprint. There has been high emphasis on building energy efficiency in our production process. And also, on increasing our recycling share."
RHI Magnesita is the leading global supplier of high-grade refractory products, systems and solutions, which are critical for high-temperature processes. The company has a customer base in more than 70 countries. Refractory is used by a wide range of industries, including steel, cement, non-ferrous metals and glass. (PTI)