Bengaluru: The Director of the Narayana Health City Hospital Director Nitin Manjunath said on Friday that the rumors claiming that BCCI president Sourav Ganguly was admitted in the hospital were incorrect. Manjunath's remarks came after the reports of Ganguly being admitted into the hospital surfaced during the day.
Reports of Sourav Ganguly being admitted to hospital incorrect:Narayana Hospital
The Director of the Narayana Health City's Hospital Director Nitin Manjunath said on Friday that the rumors claiming that BCCI president Sourav Ganguly was admitted in the hospital were incorrect.
Reports of Sourav Ganguly being admitted to hospital incorrect says: Narayana Hospital
"We would like to clarify that the news of him being admitted is incorrect. Sourav Ganguly was at the hospital to meet Devi Prasad Shetty, Chairman, and Founder, of Narayana Health City's Hospital in a brief, courtesy visit since he was in Bengaluru," said Manjunath in a statement.
Earlier reports emerged that Ganguly had been admitted to a hospital in Bengaluru for a routine check.
Last Updated : Feb 12, 2022, 11:11 AM IST