Mumbai:Observing that there is liquidity overhand of Rs 13 lakh crore in the system, RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das said on Friday that the exceptional measures undertaken during pandemic will be dealt in sync with macroeconomic developments to preserve financial stability.
Since the onset of the pandemic, the Reserve Bank has maintained ample surplus liquidity to support a speedy and durable economic recovery, he said while announcing the outcome of the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) meeting.
The level of surplus liquidity in the banking system increased further during September 2021, with absorption under fixed rate reverse repo, variable rate reverse repo (VRRR) of 14 days and fine-tuning operations under the liquidity adjustment facility (LAF) averaging Rs 9 lakh crore per day as against Rs 7 lakh crore during June to August 2021, he said.
The surplus liquidity rose even further to a daily average of Rs 9.5 lakh crore in October so far (up to October 6). The potential liquidity overhang amounts to more than Rs 13 lakh crore, he said.
As the economy shows signs of emerging from the COVID-19 inflicted ravages, he said, a near consensus view emerging among market participants and policy makers is that the liquidity conditions emanating from the exceptional measures instituted during the crisis would need to evolve in sync with the macroeconomic developments to preserve financial stability.
"This process has to be gradual, calibrated and non-disruptive, while remaining supportive of the economic recovery," he said.
As part of the liquidity management, Das said the need for undertaking further G-Sec Acquisition Programme (G-SAP) operations at this juncture does not arise given the existing liquidity overhang, the absence of a need for additional borrowing for GST compensation and the expected expansion of liquidity in the system as government spending increases in line with budget estimates.
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"The Reserve Bank, however, would remain in readiness to undertake G-SAP as and when warranted by liquidity conditions and also continue to flexibly conduct other liquidity management operations including Operation Twist (OT) and regular open market operations (OMOs)," he said.
The total liquidity injected into the system during the first six months of the current financial year through open market operations (OMOs), including G-SAP, was Rs 2.37 lakh crore, as against an injection of Rs 3.1 lakh crore over the full financial year 2020-21.