New Delhi:The government on Wednesday asked the Reserve Bank to maintain retail inflation at 4 per cent with a margin of 2 per cent on either side for another five years ending March 2026.
To control the price rise, the government in 2016 gave a mandate to the RBI to keep the retail inflation at 4 per cent with a margin of 2 per cent on either side for five years ending March 31, 2021.
As a result of the inflation targetting mandate, the RBI has been able to keep the consumer price index averaging 3.9 per cent during October 2016-March 2020.
Read:|High inflation may make rate cut difficult even in FY22: Report
The six-member MPC, which had its first meeting in October 2016, was given the mandate to maintain annual inflation at 4 per cent until March 31, 2021, with an upper tolerance of 6 per cent and a lower tolerance of 2 per cent.
Not only did the headline CPI inflation averaged closer to the target at 3.9 per cent during this period, inflation volatility, measured by its standard deviation, also declined to 1.4 during October 2016-March 2020 from 2.4 in 2012-16, as per the BofA Securities report quoting the RBI data.
The RBI last month said the existing regime is effective and recommended that the band be retained. It suggested some aspects of the framework be reviewed, including the time horizon for the bank to meet the target and the process of admitting members to the Monetary Policy Committee.
Commenting on the government's decision, ICRA Principal Economist Aditi Nayar said the continuation of the MPC's inflation-targeting band at 2-6 per cent is welcome, as an upward revision could have contributed to an unanchoring of inflation expectations.