Mumbai:The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Friday said it has appointed Rajiv Ranjan and Sitikantha Pattanaik as executive directors with effect from May 1, 2022. Before being promoted as executive director, Rajiv Ranjan was serving as Adviser-in-Charge of the Monetary Policy Department and Secretary to the Monetary Policy Committee. Prior to being promoted as ED, Pattanaik was an Adviser in the Department of Economic and Policy Research (DEPR).
As Executive Director, Ranjan will look after the Monetary Policy Department, while Pattanaik will look after the Department of Economic and Policy Research (DEPR), the RBI said. Ranjan has an experience of more than three decades in macroeconomic policy and research including monetary policy, fiscal policy, real sector, external sector and international relations. He has worked in various departments of RBI including the Monetary Policy Department, Department of Economic Policy and Research, Department of External Investments and Operations and International Department. He served as Economic Policy Expert in Central Bank of Oman for three years.