Mumbai: Shiv Sena (Uddhav Balasaheb Thackeray) leader Sanjay Raut on Tuesday wrote to the police alleging threat to life from Chief Minister Eknath Shinde's son, with an MLA from the Shinde camp calling it a cheap stunt. Lok Sabha member Shrikant Shinde (Eknath Shinde's son) has given a supari (contract) to kill me to a Thane-based criminal Raja Thakur. I have confirmed information regarding the same. I am informing you as a responsible citizen, Raut said in his letter.
Raut alleges threat' from Maha CM's son; Shinde group MLA calls it cheap stunt
Lok Sabha member Shrikant Shinde (Eknath Shinde's son) has given a supari (contract) to kill Sanjay Raut to a Thane-based criminal Raja Thakur.
Raut made the allegations in a letter to the Mumbai police commissioner, copies of which were also sent to Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis, who holds the home portfolio, and the police of Thane city. Responding to a question related to Raut's letter, Aaditya Thackeray, MLA and son of ex-CM Uddhav Thackeray said, The complaint should be taken seriously. Unfortunately, these traitor MLAs (from Shinde camp) are not being controlled at all. One MLA had opened fire in Mahim area of Mumbai, but no action has been taken at all.
Sanjay Shirsath, an MLA from Shinde's group said, Raut is doing is a cheap stunt to gain sympathy. There is no doubt that there should be a thorough probe into the matter. However, do not forget that Raut does a lot of stunts, which have no substance. I believe Dr Shrikant Shinde would never ever do such a thing, still a probe can be initiated, he said. (PTI)
Sanjay Raut received threat