Chandighar: Hearing a plea on Friday, challenging a Faridkot court order on production warrants of Ram Rahim in the Guru Granth Sahib sacrilege case, Punjab and Haryana High Court commented that Ram Rahim is VIP or Prime Minister after the Advocate General of Punjab DS Patwalia said he will deploy 3500 policemen and will bring Gurmeet Ram Rahim to Punjab by helicopter.
During the hearing of the case, the Advocate General of Punjab DS Patwalia said in the High Court that he will deploy 3500 policemen and will bring Gurmeet Ram Rahim to Punjab by helicopter, on which the court said whether Ram Rahim is VIP or Prime Minister.
High Court also referred to yesterday's lapse in the security of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the court told the Punjab government that everyone knows what happened yesterday.