Mumbai (Maharashtra) : Actor Rakul Preet Singh showered praises on India's record-making allrounder Deepti Sharma as she becomes the first Indian to claim 100 T20I wickets. Taking to Instagram story, Rakul Preet shared a picture of Deepti Sharma along with the caption, "First Indian cricketer to claim 100 T201 wickets. Amazing @officialdeeptisharma and here's to many more. #t20worldcup2023."
Deepti finished with figures of three for 15 and became the first Indian to take 100 T20I wickets at Newlands as her side took a giant stride towards the knockout stages. At the first-ever Player Auction ahead of the 2023 Women's Premier League held in Mumbai, the UP Warriorz were the fastest to react when Deepti Sharma's name came out of the bag, making her the most expensive player in the squad. The UP Warriorz broke the bank with a bid of INR 2.6 crore, the third highest at the Auction.
Deepti, who hails from the city of Agra, was UP Warriorz's first Indian pick at the Auction. The 24-year-old, who is one of the mainstays of the Indian women's team, made her debut on the 28th of November 2014 at the M. Chinnaswamy Stadium in Bengaluru against South Africa in the series decider.
"This is a great opportunity and since I belong to UP so I am feeling quite good about this too. I want to do the very best for the UP Warriorz side in the WPL. This is a new beginning for us too and we had been waiting for such an opportunity for a while, and my role will be simply to put on the best possible showing for my side, so that I can contribute to the team," Deepti said.
She is currently ranked 3rd in ICC's T20I bowling rankings. Deepti is a very capable batter in T20s also averaging 26 runs with a useful strike rate of 106.53. An effective off-break bowler, gritty batter, and acrobatic fielder Deepti is the complete package who possesses great situation-assessing skills which will come in handy in the shortest format of the game.
Across her career, Deepti has had prolific stints in franchise cricket outside India in the Western Storm (Kia Super League), Sydney Thunder (WBBL), Birmingham Phoenix, and London Spirit (both The Hundred).", "Meanwhile, Rakul was recently seen in 'Chhatriwali'. The film also stars Sumeet Vyas, Satish Kaushil and Rajesh Tailang in the lead roles and is streaming on the OTT platform Zee5 from January 20, 2023. (ANI)
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