New Delhi: Shiv Sena MP Priyanka Chaturvedi gave a Zero Hour notice in the Rajya Sabha to mention the decreasing value of the Indian rupee in the Upper House. She stated that the declining value of the Indian rupee was a matter of great concern.
"It is a matter of great concern that Indian rupee has slumped to an all-time low. The rupee has seen a decline of 17.5 per cent in the last five years, from 65.47 in 2017 to 76.96 on March 7, 2022. The value of the rupee has slumped by 17 per cent in the last five years. The Chinese currency has gained 8.54 per cent against the US dollar, Malaysian currency also has gained almost six per cent. The currency of Vietnam has gone down by merely two per cent in five years," Chaturvedi stated in the notice.
She further stated that concrete measures have to be taken to boost the growth of the Indian economy. "Merely giving a flowery picture of the state of the Indian economy is not sufficient at this point of time. Concrete measures and actions on the ground have to be taken to push for the growth of the Indian economy," stated Chaturvedi.