New Delhi:Taking exception to Leader of the Opposition Mallikarjun Kharge's "Mauni Baba" jibe at Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Rajya Sabha, Chairperson Jagdeep Dhankhar on Wednesday said that such a remark does not suit the stature of Kharge. Dhankhar also noted that certain positions should be held in high regard.
"It does not suit your stature. Frankly speaking, there are certain positions for which we have to have great regard. It was in this house on December 8, I said the Leader of the House, LoP, and two former PMs will speak, I will look to the rule book later. Why? These positions have an August stand," said Dhankhar.
Dhankhar told Kharge that he could not pronounce such observations pointing out that he is a senior member of the House. The Chairman also said that if anyone in the House used such an expression on the Leader of the Opposition, he will come to his rescue.