New Delhi: Rajya Sabha passed the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Amendment Bill, 2021 without discussion amid the Opposition's ruckus. The Bill was passed through voice vote and the House was adjourned for the day.
Smriti Irani, Minister of Women and Child Development while speaking about the Bill said it intends to safeguard the rights of the vulnerable section of the country. The JJ Act was envisioned to protect the rights of children but challenges arose later. The completion of paperwork for adoption takes long time like seven days, while children need protection. CWC will be made to report to District Magistrate with the passing of the Bill.
People aspire to be in CWC and this time we are laying out criteria to disqualify members. If an individual is involved in violation of human rights, convicted in offences on moral grounds, abused children, employed child labour, one would not qualify as a CWC member. She also mentioned a case pending in Madras HC in which a child was taken for adoption by CWC after the child's parents started quarrelling. District Magistrate, Juvenile Justice Board, CWC, State Governments would be empowered, held responsible and accountable, she said.