New Delhi: Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Tuesday released an order that gives enhanced revenue procurement powers to the Armed Forces. Titled 'Delegation of Financial Powers to Defence Services (DFPDS) 2021, it aims to empower field formations; focus on operational preparedness; promote ease of doing business and enhance jointness among the Services.
The primary focus of the enhanced delegation of financial powers is to empower Field Commanders and below to procure equipment/war-like stores in a speedy manner for urgent operational necessities and also to bring about greater decentralisation and operational efficiency. The last such enhancement at all levels for the Defence Services was done in 2016.
Speaking on the occasion, the minister described DFPDS 2021 as another big step in the series of defence reforms being undertaken by the Narendra Modi-led government to strengthen the security infrastructure of the country. The minister also sought the support of the stakeholders to cooperate in realising the 'Athmanirbhar Bharat' vision of the government in this regard.
The DFPDS 2021 has four schedules of Financial Powers namely Army Schedules of Powers-2021 (ASP-2021), Navy Schedules of Powers-2021 (NSP-2021), Air Force Schedules of Powers-2021 (AFSP- 2021), and IDS Schedules of Powers-2021 (ISP-2021)
Based on the schedules, delegated financial powers of Vice-Chiefs of the Services have been increased by 10 per cent, subject to an overall ceiling of Rs 500 crore.