Bhilwara: In a shocking incident, a Khap panchayat in Rajasthan's Bhilwara has allegedly imposed a fine of Rs 10 lakh on a woman for failing a virginity test. The woman was raped by her neighbour sometime before her marriage. A case was registered at Subhash Nagar Police Station of the city in the sexual assault. The woman said that on her marriage day on May 11 her in-laws forced her to undergo the virginity test, which she failed and she had to reveal the incident of sexual assault in the past. The husband and her in-laws instead of providing her with moral support started harassing her with the local Khap panchayat, including her husband and father-in-law, fining her with Rs 10 lakh, she said.
Also read:Rajasthan: Pregnant woman 'harassed' through porn video in Bharatpur
The victim and her family appealed to the Superintendent of Police Adarsh Sidhu for justice after which the authorities banned the Khap panchayat in view of the seriousness of the matter. Based on the woman's complaint, the Bagor police registered a case against 'Panchs' who were involved in the Khap panchayat, including the husband and in-laws of the married woman.
CO Mandal and Investigating Officer Surendra Kumar said that it is a matter of the Bagor Police Station area adding the Khap panchayat was held in Bhadu village in the Mandal area. Based on the investigation, they have transferred the case to the Bagor police station for registration, he added. Under this, the police have registered a case against the 'Panchs' involved in the Khap panchayat. including the in-laws.