Jaipur: Rajasthan Police is all set to become the first among the state police departments in the country to get state-of-the-art Mobile Investigation Unit Vans to expedite crime investigation and facilitate the victims of the crime, officials said.
As per the officials, Rajasthan Police has built 71 such special vans at a cost of Rs 10 crore out of which around 20 vans are ready and have been brought to the police headquarters. The rest of the vans will also be available to the Rajasthan Police by the month of April, officials said. The special vans have been procured under the police budget along with Central government funding.
The vans with in-built crime investigation tools will facilitate both the police department as well as the crime victims by ridding them of frequent visits to the police stations, ADG Crime Dr. Ravi Prakash Mehra said, "Whether it is an incident of rape or any other serious crime, the police will be able to collect all kinds of evidence on the spot and also do sampling at the crime scene itself thanks to the Mobile Investigation Unit Vans. Along with this, a narcotics kit will also be present in the van enabling police to conduct preliminary investigation and sampling of drugs on the spot," Mehra said.