New Delhi:The Delhi Police Crime Branch on Tuesday served notice to Rajasthan Congress leader Mahesh Joshi to appear before it on June 24 in connection with the alleged phone tapping case that came to light earlier this month. Union Jal Shakti Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat had alleged that the Congress government in Rajasthan had been tapping phones of public representatives illegally and using them as a political weapon.
Shekhawat had said, "Present Congress government has been engaged in phones tapping of public representatives illegally and using it as a political weapon. This has been alleged many times. Last year Chief Minister said that it does not happen in Rajasthan but his minister admitted in the Assembly that phones were tapped illegally." Several MLAs and ministers in Rajasthan have also raised the issue.
Read: Phone tapping case: Mumbai police record statement of IPS officer Rashmi Shukla
"I do not know whether my phone is being taped or not. But many MLAs have said that mobile phones are being taped. Many officials' also told them (MLAs) that it seems that there are efforts to tap them. MLAs have informed this to chief minister also," Congress MLA VP Solanki told that.