Bikaner (Rajasthan): A “rocket-like” object was spotted in the skies along the international border in Rajasthan's Bikaner on Wednesday night causing panic among the locals and sending the security forces into a tizzy. The object was seen passing through the skies at around 8.30 pm Wednesday night near Rawla Ghadsana and the Raisinghnagar town of Ganganagar district.
Rajasthan: Mysterious 'rocket-like' object seen in Bikaner skies
The object was seen passing through the skies at around 8.30 pm Wednesday night near Rawla Ghadsana and the Raisinghnagar town of Ganganagar district.
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Locals said the object and the light it emitted disappeared with a bang as soon as it entered the Pakistani border. The nature of the object or the explosion was not immediately confirmed. Given the sensitive location of the area in terms of security, the security agencies were also sent into a state of alert due to the object. A video of the incident is also being widely shared. In the video, it can be seen the rocket-like object moving across the sky along with a trail of red and white light.