Jaipur:Lumpy disease has wreaked havoc among cattle in India with thousands of animals falling prey to the viral disease. Rajasthan remains the worst hit state. To tackle the situation, the state government has constituted a committee at the district level.
Following the orders from Chief Secretary on Tuesday, the Finance Department constituted committees in all the districts under the chairmanship of the District Collector. The committee comprises Zilla Parishad CEO, concerned district treasury officer, animal husbandry officer, and urban body officer.
Also read: Gujarat: BJP turns to Ayurvedic laddoos for cows hit with deadly lumpy disease
The committees will be responsible for the timely treatment of sick animals, proper burials of dead animals, and working for the prevention of infection in cows. So far 57,000 cattle died because of the Lumpy in Rajasthan while thousands of cows are suspected of suffering from the disease.
Lumpy skin disease (LSD) is a contagious viral disease that affects cattle and causes fever, nodules on the skin, and can also lead to death. The disease is spread by mosquitoes, flies, lice, and wasps, by direct contact among the cattle, and through contaminated food and water. Meanwhile, the Centre has also asked affected States to boost the vaccination process to control the disease.