Bikaner (Rajasthan): The Special Unit of ACB on Thursday arrested the Zilla Parishad member in Rajasthan's Bikaner for allegedly taking a bribe of Rs 10 lakhs in lieu of withdrawing a case against the complainant. According to an ACB spokesperson, the Zilla Parishad member Purkharam was demanding a bribe of Rs 21 lakhs to withdraw the case.
Rajasthan: ACB arrests Zilla Parishad member for taking Rs 10 lakhs bribe
The Zilla Parishad member Purkharam was demanding a bribe of Rs 21 lakhs to withdraw the case. Besides, the accused also asked the complainant to get a portion of his land allotted in the name of his father.
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Besides, the accused also asked the complainant to get a portion of his land allotted in the name of his father. After receiving the complaint of bribery, the accused was arrested by Additional SP Mahavir Prasad on the instructions of SP Devendra Vishnoi of ACB. The team of the Bureau has brought the accused Zilla Parishad member to the Nayashahr Police Station in Bikaner where he is being questioned. Besides, his house will also be searched and bank accounts checked in the case. The accused Zilla Parishad member is said to be associated with Congress.