Jodhpur (Rajasthan): Four persons were killed and 60 wedding guests, including women and children, sustained injuries in a gas cylinder explosion that took place in the Bhungra village of Rajasthan's Jodhpur on Thursday. A fire brigade team with water tankers was called after the police arrived on the scene.
Rajasthan: 4 killed, over 60 wedding guests injured in gas cylinder explosion in Jodhpur
Four people died in the fire at a house that was caused when a gas cylinder exploded in Bhungra village of Jodhpur.
The injured were shifted to the local hospital for treatment, an official said on Thursday. According to District Collector Himanshu Gupta, the incident took place before a groom's procession was about to start from Bhungra on Thursday. "Around 60 people were injured after a house caught fire during a wedding in Bhungra village It's a very serious accident," he said.
42 people out of the 60 injured were referred to MGH hospital. Treatment is going on," Gupta added. "Four people died in the fire at a house that was caused when a gas cylinder exploded in Bhungra village of Jodhpur," he added. (ANI)