Mumbai: Maharashtra Home Minister Dilip Walse Patil on Monday said MNS chief Raj Thackeray's speech in Aurangabad, wherein he remained firm on the May 3 deadline for removal of loudspeakers from mosques, was aimed at "creating a divide in society", and hinted at action against him. Walse Patil also said Thackeray's speech at a rally in Aurangabad on Sunday was centred around attacking only NCP president Sharad Pawar, whose party currently shares power with the Shiv Sena and Congress in Maharashtra.
The Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) head had accused the NCP chief of playing caste politics in Maharashtra, and said he was allergic to the word 'Hindu'. His speech was an attempt to create a divide in society and hatred. Police will listen to his speech and decide what is objectionable and a decision will be taken on this, Walse Patil said. The minister also said the Aurangabad police commissioner will see what conditions laid down by the police, while granting permission for Raj Thackeray's rally, were violated. The Aurangabad police chief will take a legal opinion and send a report to his seniors, Walse Patil said.