Kakinada: Amid cyclone Asani, rain lashes parts of the Kakinada district in Andhra Pradesh on Wednesday morning. Earlier on Tuesday, Odisha Special Relief Commissioner Pradeep Kumar Jena said that cyclone Asani is likely to reach Kakinada on the Andhra coast on Wednesday morning. "The cyclonic storm Asani is moving from West Central Bay of Bengal towards North Andhra coast and as per estimation, the cyclone is likely to reach Kakinada of Andhra coast tomorrow morning," "The cyclonic storm Asani is moving from West Central Bay of Bengal towards North Andhra coast and as per estimation, the cyclone is likely to reach Kakinada of Andhra coast tomorrow morning," Jena had told ANI.
Sunanda, the Director of Visakhapatnam Cyclone Warning Centre said,"Cyclone warning and a red alert have been given to Andhra Pradesh. Till yesterday, the track was showing a northwest direction but in the last 6 hours, it is moving towards the West-Northwest direction. So, it's very near to our Andhra Pradesh coast."
While on Tuesday, a senior Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) official said that a heavy to very heavy rainfall warning has been issued along with the coastal districts of Andhra Pradesh in the wake of cyclone Asani. Telangana's Nalgonda, Suryapet, Bhadradri Kothagudem, Khammam and Mulugu districts are likely to receive light to moderate rainfall.
The officials had said that cyclone Asani has changed its direction and is going to touch the nearby Kakinada coast. After touching the Kakinada coast, it will come again to sea between Kakinada and Visakhapatnam.