New Delhi: Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw on Saturday "flagged-in" the All India Motorcycle Rally of the Railway Protection Force on the Red Fort premises and also honoured the families of some freedom fighters. The martyrs whose families were honoured include Shivram Hari Rajguru of Maharashtra, Khudiram Bose of West Bengal, Alluri Sitarama Raju of Andhra Pradesh, Kushal Konwar of Assam, Laxman Nayak of Odisha and Komaram Bheem from Telangana, a statement from the Railway Ministry said.
Minister of State for Railways Darshana Jardosh and several other dignitaries attended the event. "The Minister of Railways flagged-in RPF motorcycle rally consisting of 75 motorcycles in a one-of-its-kind event organised by the Railway Protection Force on the premises of iconic Red Fort, which stands witness to the struggles faced and sacrifices made by innumerable freedom fighters to free our country from the shackles of slavery," the statement said.